Fabrication Services

Our Fabrication Services

Fabrication of advertising sign posts We do welding at all levels depending on the clients interest.Fabrication of windows/door frames and other metal structures.

Electrical Services Plumbing Services Painting Services

Our Electrical Expertise includes;

We offer comprehensive electrical services ranging from   repair of damaged or non-functioning electrical outlets. Installation of new electrical fittings and wares like lights or other electrical apparatus

  1. Installation and wiring to connect points of power or gridlines.
  2. Repairing damaged home or commercial appliances.
  3. All the above is done by or under the guidance of electrical engineer.

Our Plumbing Expertise includes;

  1.  Repairing leaky pipes  Emergency repairs.
  2.  Updating pipes and fittings.
  3.  New installations on residential or commercial structures.

Expertise cuts across but is not limited to;

  1. Repainting interior or exterior of an existing structure.
  2. Fresh painting of a new construction site.
  3. Application of paint touch ups on cracks or chips on exterior or interior walls.


  • Plot 98, Kanjokya street, Kamwokya, Kampala, P.O Box 176330, Kampala,
  • +256768427332
  • support@co

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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