Who Are We

About us


Spectra Asset Management Limited is a facility management and maintenance service company registered in Uganda in 2024 under Uganda Registration Services Bureau as a private limited company.

Spectra Asset Management Limited was founded by a team of individuals with a wealth of experience in property management and maintenance services.

Having worked in the same field under various property companies for a number of years, we have a pile of experience and a great clients’ relation to enable us accomplish tasks to the satisfaction of our clients.

We seek to relate and work with Organizations (local and international), Companies, Government agencies, property developers and managers as well as individuals to bridge the widening gap in quality service delivery.

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Why choose us

why choose us?


To be the leading real estate company with quality services in facility management and maintenance services in Uganda and East Africa at large.


To provide exceptional services based on professionalism, expertise and experience.

We have areas of service

Spectra Asset Management Limited is an all-round property maintenance company dedicated to handle cleaning services, fumigation and pest control, rental and sell of land and houses, painting, electrical works, Plumbing works, curtain blinds installation and repair, gardening and landscaping, metal fabrication and general contracting services.

General Contracting Services

Under this we do building of houses and all property renovation works, all types of ceiling (suspended, gypsum and wooden ceiling), all types of partitioning…

Real Estate

We also help put your land and houses for rent and sale in the market through our multiple listing platforms. Such includes websites, WhatsApp, online…

Pest Control and Fumigation

At Spectra Asset Management Limited, we pride in the knowledge, experience, machines, right chemicals and above all dedicated team to do fumigation and pest control…

Fabrication Services

Fabrication of advertising sign posts We do welding at all levels depending on the clients interest. Fabrication of windows/door frames and other metal structures.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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