General Contracting Services

General Contracting Services

Under this we do building of houses and all property renovation works, all types of ceiling (suspended, gypsum and wooden ceiling), all types of partitioning (aluminum, board among others), wall gladding in commercial, industrial and residential units.

Spectra Asset Management Limited provides site-development services to get your project off to a strong start. These include architectural services, cost effective bills of quantities and environmental protection in and around areas of Operation. Our activities are supported by experienced technical teams backed by our top management. Crews are reliable and are quick to deliver good service upon deployment on planned projects and

emergency response work.

Real Estate/Property Management Pest Control and Fumigation/IRS Services Gardening and LandScaping Services

Spectra Asset Management Limited will Identify for you a genuine house or land to fit your choice. We grade and make research on the properties we put in the market. Feel free to contact us for the services.

Through clients’ interactions, we listen to your interest and advise on the kind of development or property which can be within your financial range, the location, nature of tenure and possibly guide your future plans for instance the returns on investment.

We also help put your land and houses for rent and sale in the market through our multiple listing platforms. Such includes websites, WhatsApp, online marketing websites as well as other social media channels to allow a wider prospective reach for easy sell. 

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At Spectra Asset Management Limited, we pride in the knowledge, experience, machines, right chemicals and above all dedicated team to do fumigation and pest control services.

We are the right team to do your fumigation and Pest control at industrial level, office workplaces, farms, as well as residential level. Our team comprises of entomologists and other fumigators trained in pesticide handling and application.

We take time to study the nature and type of pests, the level and area of infestation and come up with the control mechanism which is friendly to the environment and the occupants of premises where control exercise is to be done.

Spectra Asset Management Ltd will open up your land, garden, compound to a great design and a fresh new look. We do compound designing, we maintain and keep existing compounds clean through;

  1.   Trimming grasses from edges of building, sidewalks with trimmer.
  2.  Applying weed killer to weeds growing in cracked concrete surfaces
  3. .  Trimming bushes to maintain a consistent height and width.
  4.   Installing hedges, flowers and other decorative landscape.


  • Plot 98, Kanjokya street, Kamwokya, Kampala, P.O Box 176330, Kampala,
  • +256768427332
  • support@c

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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