Pest Control and Fumigation/IRS Services

Pest Control and Fumigation/IRS Services

At Spectra Asset Management Limited, we pride in the knowledge, experience, machines, right chemicals and above all dedicated team to do fumigation and pest control services.

We are the right team to do your fumigation and Pest control at industrial level, office workplaces, farms, as well as residential level. Our team comprises of entomologists and other fumigators trained in pesticide handling and application.

We take time to study the nature and type of pests, the level and area of infestation and come up with the control mechanism which is friendly to the environment and the occupants of premises where control exercise is to be done.

We are a solution to all your pests including snakes, rodents, frogs, bees, roaches, bugs, snails, millipeds, stray dogs and cuts, reptiles among others.

We also do herbicide application to eliminate weed in unwanted area.

The above is done under the guidance of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and MSDS which are shared with the client.

All chemicals used are well researched and accredited for use by ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries


  • Plot 98, Kanjokya street, Kamwokya, Kampala, P.O Box 176330, Kampala,
  • +256768427332
  • support@con

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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